Sunday School:
- Adult Class now meets Sunday mornings, from 8:30 to 9:15. This year’s Gospel Study is John. Please join us for coffee and conversation.
- Youth Classes will not start until September.
Monthly Breakfasts third Saturdays..
Sunday School 8:30am
Worship 9:30am
- Communion every Sunday
- Sunday School and Confirmation Classes
- Women of the ELCA
- Vacation Bible School
- Food Bank items to Helping Hands
- World Hunger Relief
- Malaria Campaign
- Lutheran World Relief
- Fair Trade items
- Ecumenical 5th Sunday Singing
- Youth Mission Trip and Church Youth Camp
- Facilities for community use
- Facebook Page for current events
- Community Breakfast 3rd Saturday 8:00-9:30 a.m.
- Special Services: Lent, Advent, Good Friday, Easter Sunrise, Christmas Eve Candle Lighting
- Weddings, funerals, and baptisms
- Historic St. Olaf Kirke (Rock Church) located 3 miles east on CR 4145
Our Mission:
St. Olaf Lutheran Church exists to worship, teach, nurture, and share Christ’s love.